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美国人家用电热水器 安装说明书和使用及维护指南(11)

Operation Conditions

Anode Rod/Water Odor

  Each water heater contains at least one anode rod, which will slowly deplete while protecting the glass-lined tank from corrosion and prolonging the life of the water heater. Certain water conditions will cause a reaction between this rod and the water. Once the anode is depleted, the tank will start to corrode, eventually developing a leak.

  The most common complaint associated with the anode rod is a “rotten egg smell” produced from the presence of hydrogen sulfide gas dissolved in the water. Do not remove this rod permanently as it will void any warranties, stated or implied.

  The parts list includes a special anode that can be ordered if water odor or discoloration occurs. This rod may reduce but not eliminate water odor problems. The water supply system may require special filtration equipment from a water conditioning company to successfully eliminate all water odor problems.

  Artificially softened water is exceedingly corrosive because the process substitutes sodium ions for magnesium and calcium ions. The use of a water softener may decrease the life of the water heater tank.

  The anode rod should be removed from the water heater tank every 3 years for inspection. If the rod is more than 50% depleted, the anode rod should be replaced.

  For replacing the anode, shut-off the power to the water heater. Be sure the cold water supply to the heater is turned off. Open the hot water faucet to depressurize the water tank. Drain out 5 gallons of water from the drain valve at the bottom of the heater. Remove the anode rod. See the "Repair Parts Illustration" for anode rod location on page 15.

Water Heater Sounds

  During the normal operation of the water heater, sounds or noises may be heard. These noises are common and may result from the following:

  1. 在加热或冷却期间,金属配件的正常膨胀和收缩。
    Normal expansion and contraction of metal parts during periods of heat-up and cool-down.

  2. 内胆底部累积的沉淀物会产生变化不定的噪音,并可能造成内胆过早老化。按照“排水和冲刷”地说明排泄并冲刷内胆。
    Sediment buildup in the tank bottom will create varying amounts of noise and may cause premature tank failure. Drain and flush the tank as directed under “Draining and Flushing”.


  Stacking occurs when a series of short draws of hot water (3 gallons or less) are taken from the water heater tank. This causes increased cycling of the heater elements and can result in increased water temperatures at the hot water outlet. An anti-scald device is recommended in the hot water supply line to reduce the risk of scald injury.


Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve

Explosion Hazard

  If the temperature and pressure relief valve is dripping or leaking, have a licensed plumber repair it.
  Do not plug valve.
  Do not remove valve.
  Failure to follow these instructions can result in death or explosion.

  Manually operate the temperature and pressure relief valve at least once a year to make sure it is working properly. To prevent water damage, the valve must be properly connected to a discharge line which terminates at an adequate drain. Standing clear of the outlet (discharged water may be hot), slowly lift and release the lever handle on the temperature and pressure relief valve to allow the valve to operate freely and return to its closed position. If the valve fails to completely reset and continues to release water, immediately shut off the electrical power and the cold water inlet valve and call a qualified service technician.

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